Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Convert Decimals to Percentages

                        Convert the decimal numbers below to a percentage

Still have doubts? Go back and watch the videos as many times as necessary.

Remember to copy the decimal numbers.

1.  0.815 

2.  0.051 

3.  8.064 

4.  3.69 

5.  0.0743 

6.  7.05 

7.  0.007 

8.  3.009 

Challenge Yourself!

9. Which of the following two options are correct?

a. 50% + 0.04 = 0.5004
b. 50% + 0.04 = 0.54
c. 50% + 0.04 = 50.04%
d. 50% + 0.04 = 54%

10. Which of the following two options are correct?

a. 7% + 3.5 = 3.57
b.. 7% + 3.5 = 0.105
c. 7% + 3.5 = 10.5%
d. 7% + 3.5 = 357%


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